[GR 064]

Poster \"The Human Body\"
This poster shows a wealth of information and graphics about human internal organs.
In the middle of the poster is a large picture of a male shown from front and back, with all muscles and muscle bundles, partly with sinews, and with toenails.
In smaller illustrations, particular body areas are presented with proper names, as well as the skeleton which is also labelled.
To follow are drawings of the human organs: the skin, the liver, the lungs, the stomach, the intestines, and anything else you might think of e.g. the pancreas.

The skin is depicted with a growing hair, its layers, its blood vessels, and its further sensory organs.
On the liver, you can see some nice blood vessels (applicable to all blood vessels is the colour blue for a vein and red for an artery).
The neighbouring gall bladder has a little door to allow a look inside. All further organs are described in detail and presented in the same way.
A somewhat larger diagram is devoted to the brain, its structure and its regions as well as the ramifications of the central and peripheral nervous systems.
An equally large diagram is dedicated to the heart.
You can see it with its ventricles and valves, the veins and the arteries. In further pictures, the course of the veins and arteries in the whole body is shown.
The structure of bone is presented clearly in longitudinal and cross sections, where the honeycomb structure and inner cavity are shown.
All the drawings are attractive and true to life.

Captions are in English.
Size: 68 x 98 cm
Art Print on 100 g paper coated with matt varnish
german English